Spring has sprung here in Hamilton and we're gearing up to start collecting local air quality data in the Jamesville/ Beasley area this Saturday.
We're hosting a Neighbourhood Air Monitoring Walkabout on Saturday, March 26th in the Jamesville/ Beasley area - the heart of the hammer!
A crew of 5 eager volunteers will be joining us on our walkabout. Our plan is to walk and monitor and talk as we go. Talking will include brainstorming about any problem areas we encounter, where air particulate levels are higher than we want them to be, and to get creative in determining how we might go about seeing any air quality issues resolved.
Wondering about potential solutions to urban quality of life challenges? Check out the Take Action section of our 'Resources' page for some great information about complete streets and tactical urbanism!
Stay tuned for photos and pollution maps!
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